
News > Provision of the IV International festival – biennial of young artists “A R T – Samgau – 2017” among college of arts 27-29 september 2017

Provision of the IV International festival – biennial of young artists “A R T – Samgau – 2017” among college of arts 27-29 september 2017



Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of KazakhstanK. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of arts, College

444 222 333

Provision of the

IV International festival – biennial of young artists “A R T – Samgau – 2017”

among college of arts

September 2017

  1. General provision

          IV International Festival – Biennale of Young Artists “ART – Samgau-2017” for colleges of Art, is carried out in order to support artistic creativity, cooperation and mutual understanding and international communication of colleges of arts with their peers from around the world, identifying new talent, creating additional conditions for improving professional skills of young fans of painting and decorative arts and crafts, as well as for the development of the intellectual level, enhance their interest in national and world history and culture, expanding representations about them.

The organizers of the Festival: College of T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, with the support of the Found of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Akimat of Bostandyk district of Almaty. Ceremonial opening and closing exhibition of the IV International Biennial Festival of Young Artists “ART – Samgau-2017” scheduled to host at the exhibition hall of the Found of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation.

The program of festival ‘ART – Samghau-2017 ” includes round table discussions on actual problems of education in the field of culture and arts, master classes with professors, representatives of arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of foreign delegations. After getting the certificate by Republican educational-methodical association of professional development, as well as the planned cultural program, excursions, discos, concerts.


  1. Aims and objectives


– to show the cultural and historical heritage of Kazakhstan;

– development of natural differences and wealth of Kazakhstan;

– to discover traditions of other landscape schools;

– to develop and strengthen friendly, cultural and creative ties between young artists from different countries;

– Sharing with experiences and achievements of gifted children and youth – participants from different countries;

– Strengthening and establishment of international relations and cooperation through cultural and creative exchange;

– identify and promotin young talented painters;

– to create conditions for creative communication.


– Popularization of the image of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– Implementation of complex measures on patriotic education;

– Formation of civil activity;

– The disclosure of the creative potential of young painters;

– Consolidation of culture and education workers and creative teachers;

– Support for the national traditions and culture, education of morality and ethics, inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance;

– to see the cultures of different countries.

  1. Nominations

  • landscape / 2 creative work /;
  • still-life / 2 creative work /;

Methods of execution:  painting and drawing.

  • Decorative art / 2 creative work /.

  1. Jury

The concurs evaluates by an independent jury, composed of well-deserved invited painters, famous fine art experts, art historians, teachers of art schools and 1 representative of the participating delegations can be chosen as an expert by carrying out a toss.

The jury has the right: to divide the medal place, not to award all medal places, to award special prizes.

The decision of jury is final and not subject to change.


  1. Evaluation criteria

– singularity of design;

– artistic mastery level of the authors;

– originality of performing creative tasks, the work must be completed

  1. Prizes and awards

IV International Festival – Biennale of Young Artists “ART – Samgau-2017”  will award participants on the basis of “Grand Prix” competition with І, ІІ,ІІІ place diplomas.

Participants are awarded with memorable gifts, appreciation letters will be given for tachers and sponsors. Festival Organizing Committee established special prizes.

“Grand Prix” and winner diploma will be given for absolute winners of the Festival-Biennale. The number of participants and laureates will determine nomination “The best school/college”


Organizational and technical requirements

Participants should send application with personal photo with size 3х4 cm and 2 works on each nomination (2 works on landscape and still life, size 50cм х 70cм), (2 works on decorative art) to artsamgau17@gmail.com; e_liza@list.ru Deadline: 10th of June 2017.  (attachment №1)

Heads of participants, the teachers are planning carrying out workshops; have to indicate in form the theme of workshops on nomination till 10 June 2017. All required materials in order to carry out the workshops: tools, visual-methodical manual etc.

Drawings are signed as follows:

 Last name/first name of the artist (painter), age, city, state, header / Last name, first name/, are also transferred to the Organizing committee.

  1. Participation conditions

In a festival-biennale can take part in the students of colleges of arts (age of 16-19 years), from each educational institution 1 header – the leading teacher and 5 participants.

        For participants who passed selection round, the cost of participation (for one participant) in a festival is:

 – for residents  of  the Republic of Kazakhstan– 100 euro (in tenge – at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

– for participants from neighbouring countries and beyond – 100 euro (in tenge – at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

     Into an organizational contribution enters:

 – transfer service;

– 3* hotel accommodation;

– a 3-course mel;

– organization of exhibition;

– prize Fund;

– sight-seeing tours, visit to  museums, disco, concert program;

– catalogue;

– travel costs in the city.

Return fare is at participants’ expenses.

    Payment of a contribution is made no later than day of arrival in the festival- biennale Staff.

    The works which received prize-winning places, do not come back and remain in festival Fund.

         To participate in the exhibition, participants present their work in the day of arrival.

        Evaluation of participants’ works is made by closed vote of the jury.

      As a result of the work of participants Creative work of young” will be published a catalog “ ART – Samgau – 2017” – ІV International festival- biennale of young artists among colleges of arts”. artists


  1. Terms and venue


«АRT – Samgau – 2017» The ІV International Festival festival- biennale young artists among college of arts will pass from 27.09.2017. till 29.09.2017 in the city of Almaty.

      Arrival to 10.00 a.m.(local time) 27.09.2017

      Departure  29.09.2017 (in the evening).

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