Султан Тлек провел мастер-класс
The main value of Independent Kazakhstan are sensibly conceiving, presented creative persons, talented youth.
The art purpose is development of creative force, fine, creative ability in each separate person.
Giving particular attention to youth, President the RK N.A.Nazarbayev in the traditional annual message: «I assign our youth to esteem and preserve a heritage left our ancestors, worship of history of the Kazakh people». The reference President the RК is directed on arms of youth by a science and knowledge, achievement of creative heights, to contribution of development of youth to the intellectual nation.
aking for a basis the message of President the RК, I wish each creative young talent to put into practice the basic courageous projects directed on development of a civilization of the people. I wish good luck!
Султан Тлек провел мастер-класс
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