
News > The results of the I International Festival Competition of students

The results of the I International Festival Competition of students


on the outcome of the I International festival-contest of students’ Almaty-the Art “,” Dәstүrlі Ulttyk өnerdі zhaңғyrtu “(nominations: exhibition, workshops, fashion shows, concerts) and the International” Almaty scientific-practical conference and its contribution to the development of Kazakhstan and world “, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Almaty.

From 05 to September 8, 2016, in the framework of the Year announced the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Almaty, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the department of education, research and international relations, with the support of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs Almaty Kazakhstan, as well as Central state museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (TSGMRK), Faculty of basic training Management University Almaty, Almaty college of decorative and applied Arts. O.Tansykbaeva, College KazNAU them. T.Zhurgenov, within the walls of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (TSGMRK) held the I International festival of students “Almaty-the Art”, “Dәstүrlі Ulttyk өnerdі zhaңғyrtu” nominations: exhibition, workshops, fashion shows.
It was attended by students, teachers and heads of colleges and universities, who presented to the audience the work of young artists, reflecting the theme of Almaty (scenic spots, attractions, historical and cultural monuments, symbols of the city and historical subjects, etc.).
According to its results were announced the winners and prize-winners, who were awarded certificates, diplomas and prizes. Among them were a very worthy college students KazNAU them. Zhurgenov, which were presented in the following categories:

Grand Prix -Zhumakan Yerzhan, hands. Aibek Abdrashit.
Grand Prix – Kozhamurat Madi, 3kurs, hands. Aibek Abdrashit
1st place -Tulegenova Anel, 3kurs, hands. Aibek Abdrashit
2. Sculpture
Grand Prix – Urazbaev A. hands. Isabaev N.
1st place Ermen Raiymbek hands. Kashkanov B.
3. Design CLOTHES
Grand Prix -3kurs, hands. Zhakipova Zh.N.
1st place- 3 course hands. Abuova M.
Grand Prix – Duysenbaeva Akerke, hands. Kyrykbaeva Aigul
1st place -Tleuhanova Alia hands. Kyrykbaeva Aigul
3rd place -Karbozova Aknur, hands. Krykbaeva.A.
3rd place Askarkyzy, Madina hands. Kyrykbaeva.A.
Grand Prix – Tastanov Askar, hands. Esmuhanov K.
1st place – Kallilaev Almaty hands. Shklyaev LV
2nd place – Bolatkhan Almaty hands. By Esmuhanov
3rd place -Karimov Janibek hands. Molbaev B.

6.Tree and painting.
Grand Prix -Asylbay Megerhan, hands. Isekeev Aset.
2nd place – “Kөrkem әshekeyleu” Karbozova Aknur (3rd year)
3rd place – Kosshan Madina (3rd year), Almabekova Symbat (3rd year)
Grand Prix – Ersain A. hands. Kazbalinova M.
1st place Balykbek Akbota, hands. Kazbalinova .M.
In the course of the festival were held master classes, round tables with participation of professors and teachers of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named T.Zhurgenov, Almaty College of Decorative and Applied Arts O.Tansykbaeva, Kazakhstan artists, foreign teachers.
The festival was held International scientific-practical conference “Almaty and its contribution to the development of Kazakhstan and the World”, which was attended college and teacher of the Kazakh Academy of Arts. T.Zhurgenov Mukatova AT, spoke on “Apples – Almaty symbol” and Magavina KA, – with the report “Almaty-cultural capital of sovereign Kazakhstan”.

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